Friday, April 29, 2016


 As one of my colleagues Oskar had put it a week before the meeting: «Such a nice job you've got to do!« and he was referring to the planning and organizing the meeting. Having been very busy at the time of course I disagreed. However,  from today's standpoint, still  under positive impression of having my foreign guests here in Slovenske Konjice, at our school, I have to agree with him.

This year's transnational meeting was somehow in the middle of the 3-year project and therefore it was mainly dedicated to the mid-evaluation of the project and assessment of the  students’ work and competences which will have been achieved by a google questionnaire  for all the participants and BE mid-term test for the  students.  Besides that, every minute represented a valuable time for discussions about the ways of the project and results dissemination.

Exchange of good practices in teaching is another important opportunity we have to take during our project meetings. This time our focus was on presentation and manifestation of cross-curricular learning which have been a good practice at Gimnazija Slovenske Konjice for several years now. We pointed out a positive impact on students as well as organisational challenges of this kind of teaching which was presented by Doroteja, a former coordinator of the project at our school.  The teachers were offered two lessons of the kind: Slovenian – English and Mathematics – English, both dealing with literature.

As using modern digital tools in teaching is one of the project’s objectives we organised a Teachmeet, which is an informal teachers gathering where teachers involved in  a limited time ( 3 min) present a teaching experience or a method with the a certain digital tool.  A collection of links to the tools with examples will be presented publicly.

The rest of Friday was spent on  planning ahead, in terms of work and results as well as dates for the forthcoming students' exchanges.  The exchange in Loimaa will take place in the 2nd week of October and the one In Almendralejo in February. The final act of Y.E.S. for Future mobilities will be the transnational meeting in Szazhalombatta. 

 We’re grateful for the good company of partners we have and satisfied with the work we have done so far. Now, we are looking forward to getting new experience and learning some more together in the second half of our common adventure – Y.E.S. for Future.