Y.E.S. for Future at Gimnazija Slovenske Konjice
Ever since October 20 students of Gimnazija Slovenske Konjice have been participating in entrepreneurial club Ustvarjalnik ( Crector) which was organised in the scope of activities of our international project Y.E.S. for Future.
It is an organisation which main purpose is to teach young people/teenagers how to think like an entrepreneur, improve their entrepreneurial skills and help them to create their own company. They manage to approach us through interactive workshops which are held in more several high schools in Slovenia. Once a week we have a ‘class’ of entrepreneurship with the founder of this organisation – Matija. He and his colleagues guide us and give us useful advice. We also learn how to think like an entrepreneur through different challenges, games and stories which usually include an educational lesson.
After a month of these workshops they organise a Startup weekend. If you want you can participate in this weekend which takes place in our capital city Ljubljana and where every participant can develop their own idea for a company, with the help of mentors and present it in front of investors. However, our entrepreneurial classes are very entertaining, relaxing and educational. We learn a lot of interesting and useful information there. It is important, not just in business world but in everyday life. Everybody can improve their skills of public speaking, presenting yourself (pitching) and developing their ideas. They also stimulate your imagination which helps you to think outside of the box.
These classes are our first contact with entrepreneurship and our ticket to creating our own company. I think that teaching teenagers about practical skills like this is very important because some day it could majorly decrease unemployment among young people.
Patricija Podkrajšek,
2nd year student and Y.E.S. for Future participant
PIWCO or being an entrepreneur
Everybody loves a good tale.
And I believe that being an
entrepreneur, ceo and a founder of a company at 17 is one hell of a good story.
Do I love the bling bling? Of course I do. I'm not an alien. But the thing I
love more is working for something I care about - Piwco. Me and Eva created a startup
that produces stories through presentations and website content, but for me,
the most interesting and "hot" service is storytelling across
I created something of mine,
something that I love, and I'm not letting it go. The most important word, as
Gary Vaynerchuck said is HUSTLE. And I couldn't agree more. There is work... A
lot of work. You dream about it, you carry it everywhere you go, and you even
breathe it. But there is always a reward. A smile from a happy costumer or
hearing a story that has been told for the first time. So, I only have one
advice for all the people that are trying to succeed: just never stop hustling
and remember: It's not how much you sleep, it's what you do when you're awake.
2nd year student and Y.E.S. for Future participant