School year 2016-17
Opiskelijavaihtokokouksen suunnittelu alkoi jo hyvissä ajoin keväällä. Kun kauan odotettu lokakuun viikko vihdoin koitti, ohjelmaa riitti joka päivälle aamusta iltaan. Loimaan lehti kävi tekemässä jutun torstai-iltana Mellilänjärvellä:
Hannah's article with photos:
Exchange week in Loimaa - YES for Future
Tässä vielä lisää päiväkirjamerkintöjä viikon varrelta:
Sunday the 9th of October
In the morning I made some small preparations, cleaning and baking, for instance. With Kaisa I baked something to eat for Monday’s coffee breaks.
Around four o’clock our guests arrived to Loimaa and it was an exciting and bizarre moment to see all the new faces and all the old familiar faces from week in Slovenia. When I arrived home with my guest, we ate dinner together with my family. After that my guest unpacked her luggage and we went to sleep for the day had been long and we wanted to get energy for the coming exciting week. Iita
Shark Tank Pitching
On Monday all teams met a panel of Sharks from JCI Loimaa and presented their business ideas to get feedback. We got the instructions for our pitch:
Presentation skills
On Monday we had a lesson with Niina Nurmi (from JCI) about presentation skills. After few slideshows Niina told us the right way how to handshake people to make the right first impression.
After that we chose a partner to work with. It should be someone who we didn’t know so well yet. First we had a conversation about ourselves with a few help questions. Then we had 20 seconds time to introduce our partner to the whole group.
Bowling & evening
On monday after school we went bowling. The first few throws were pretty bad but after a while we got the hang of it. but to be honest I'm not sure if I was luck or skill. Anyway everybody was having fun.
After that everyone went to eat pizza. The atmosphere was nice and everyone was happy.
International event at school
We had an international event at school on Wednesday. The Erasmus + group and also the whole high school was participating to this event. Maria and Viola were hosting it.
The program started by telling about the Erasmus+ exchange between Finnish, Spanish, Hungarian and Slovenian schools. There were also some pictures showing.
The second part of the event was telling about other exchanges. There were some pictures showing on the screen and the hosts told about the themes of the projects. The third part included couple of EVS -workers (European Voluntary Services) telling about their work in Finland and also telling something about their cultures because they are from Austria and France.
After the EVS -part, an exchange student called Rennan Mesquita, from Brazil, was telling about his exchange via Rotary and little bit of his culture in Brazil. He told the school about his jacket, which was full of pins that he had been collecting from other people since he arrived in Finland. Another exchange student from Turkey called Melis who goes to Loimaan lukio right now was introduced to everyone, too.
Then the Hungarian, Slovenian and Spanish group came up to tell about their own home towns and school in a different way which was really interesting and taught us a lot. The Slovenian group had even made a little quiz for the other countries and it was really fun to watch it.
The last part was about the four exchange students who had left Loimaan lukio for a year and went on an exchange. Emilia V. had gone to Germany, Roosa and Emilia P. to the USA and Emma to Spain. They were telling little bit about their experiences in a different country.
In the lessons
I was at the spanish lesson with Andrea, Jesus and David. First we played some Spanish board game and then Andrea, Jesus and David gave us a presentation about their home city. We all liked the game and the other students were happy because there were foreign students playing with us, and because they were from Spain and we could hear “real” Spanish persons speaking. The best part of the class was when our guests saw snow.

After visiting Pema we gathered up at the school and started baking. The dessert to prepare was apple crumble. Everything went smoothly, everyone was participating and music was playing. After baking we ate our apple crumble with vanilla ice cream which everyone enjoyed. Then we cleaned up the place and finally the Spanish students taught us to dance.
Learning Finnish
On Thursday, after doing some sports together we had a Finnish lesson. We started the lesson with Sara Forsberg’s YouTube-video where she teaches Finnish.
Torstaina liikunnan jälkeen oli suomitunnin aika. Tunnilla näytettiin ensin muutama video, muun muassa Sara Forsbergin suomen kielen opetusvideo sekä video siitä kuinka suomalaiset puhuvat englantia. Seuraavaksi näytimme vaihtareille kuvan, jossa on lauseen "kuusi palaa" monet merkitykset. Sitten kävimme läpi dioja "learning finnish in "45" minutes", joissa oli suomen kielen perusasioita sekä Suomen kulttuuriin liittyviä asioita. Diojen jälkeen jaoimme kaikille ulkomaalaisille monisteet, jossa on hyödyllisiä sanoja ja sanontoja suomeksi. Kävimme monisteet läpi ääntäen, jonka jälkeen parityöskentelynä harjoittelimme suomea. Lopuksi vaihtarit saivat kysyä jos oli jotain kysyttäävää ja kuuntelimme pari suomalaista biisiä.
Visiting Dinolift
Suomitunnin ja lounaan jälkeen lähdimme bussilla kohti Dinoliftiä. Dinoliftin pihalla meitä vastassa oli Siiri Oivanen, joka sisälle päästyämme kertoi meille Dinoliftin historiasta ja tämänhetkisestä tilanteesta markkinoilla. Noin puolentunnin alkupuheiden jälkeen lähdimme kiertelemään Dinoliftin tehtaalla oppaiden kanssa. Kierros tehtiin neljässä eri ryhmässä; kaksi kansainvälistä ryhmää ja kaksi suomalaista ryhmää. Kierroksen aikana pääsimme tutustumaan laitteisiin ja saimme katsella koneiden valmistusprosessia. Kierroksen lopussa otimme ryhmäkuvan ja matkalla takaisin bussiin saimme Dinolift-kangaskassit.
Thursday evening at the lake
On thursday evening after visiting Dinolift company we went to the local “lake” called Mellilänjärvi. Some of the Finnish students had gone to the cottage a little bit earlier so when the rest of the students arrived by bus, everything was ready.
Most of the exchange students had already tried sauna in Finland but now they had a chance to try swimming in a cold lake. The water was pretty cold because the weather was +1°C. But Finns can be very proud because their hosts ran back and forth from sauna to the lake many times.
After sauna and swimming people normally are very hungry. That's why it was good time to eat. We had macaroni casserole, salad and breads from a catering service. In addition we had Karelian pasties , meat pies etc. The food was delicious and everybody's stomach was filled. 
After eating we had time to chill and have a good time together playing cards and talking. Of course with good music. 
Then it was time to show every country's dance. All the dances are popular among young people in their own the country. For example Finns danced Antti Tuisku’s song Keinutaan and the Spaniards had many dances.
And last we had a “reflector adventure” in the forest. The students were divided into four groups. They got flashlights and then they headed to the forest. Everybody had to find two pieces of puzzle marked with their groups color. When everybody from the group was back from the forest there was a Finn who started to gather the puzzle. The result was a Finnish flag.
After “reflector adventure” it was time to go home...
Viola Varho sent a few interview questions to Piedad Mesías, the principal of IES Santiago Apostol, who came with the Spanish group to do an erasmus+ KA1 Jobshadowing in Loimaan lukio. Here they are and how Piedad answered:
How was Finnish school different from Spanish school?
Were there different teaching methods than in Spain here in Finland? What were they?
Were you surprised about anything in our school and in the lessons?
Did you learn something new?
Which schools did you visit?
What was the best thing that you experienced here?
And how was the food?
"I'm pleased to answer your question .I'll try to follow the order of your questions.
I found important differences between the two education systems.The most important one is that the Finnish system is more flexible:Timetables change every few weeks according to the subjects chosen by the students.However, in Spanish high schools the schedules are the same during all the academic year.
Another point that attracted my attention was that you have an important number of practical subjects:textile work, cooking lessons. learnings that allow the students to be more independent.
The teaching methods are not very different in Finland and in Spain: the general increase of the use of tablets and computers in lessons in Finland and peer-to-peer learning in our Spanish school are two examples of those.
I learnt how the education system works in Finland because I visited one Primary School,one High School and one Vocational Training Center.
I learnt how the education system works in Finland because I visited one Primary School,one High School and one Vocational Training Center.
The best thing I experienced in Finland was meeting nice and competent teachers who welcomed me and allowed me to learn from them.
I loved the sauna:It was an amazing experience for a person who comes from such a warm place as Almendralejo,in the South-West of Spain.
I ate very well in Finland.I loved the Egg and Butter recipe and the Finnish chocolate is fantastic.
I enjoyed visiting Loimaa and I'm very grateful for this.
Greetings from Spain.
Piedad Mesías"
School year 2015-16
Muistiinpanoja maidenvälisestä suunnittelukokouksesta
Slovenia, Slovenske Konjice 19.-23. 4.2016

Lento Helsinki-München-Zagreb. Espanjalaiset olivat tulleet jo aikaisemmin ja odottaneet meitä 3 tuntia. Odottelimmen vielä 1,5 tuntia lisää koska meitä hakemaan tullut auto oli hajonnut matkalla. Olimme loppujen lopuksi hotellilla klo 20.30.
Menimme kahdeksaksi Lukiolle jossa oli tervetuliais tapahtuma. Soittoa, laulua ja runoutta. Seuraavaksi osallituimme Earth day puun istutussermoniaan. Lapiot viuhuivat ahkerasti. Ennen lounasta seurasimme oppitunteja. Lounaan jälkeen arvioitiin projektin tähän astista kulkua ja sovimme tulevien vierailujen ajankohdista. Tämä sujui hyvin. Iltapäivällä saimme golf-opetusta ja vierailimme paikallisessa bed & breakfast yrityksessä. Illallistimme hotellilla.


Mekaniikkaa, turismia, keittiöalaa
-ajomatka 1,5h luoteeseen Blediin
Vintgar rotko (osin suljettu)
Bledin alppijärvi, Bledin linna.
Paluumatkalla 30 min viive koska tie oli suljettu ja piti käyttää kiertotietä. Myöhään illalla takaisin hotellilla. Pizzaa.
Kuulimme kokemuksia ainerajat ylittävästä opetuksesta. Jaoimme ideoita opetuskäyttöön sopivista ohjelmista. Ennen lounasta seurasimme jälleen oppitunteja. Lounaan jälkeen oli hieman vapaa-aikaa ennen läksiäis-illallista.
Espanja-Suomi ryhmät lähtivät hotellista klo 9 ja unkarilaiset klo 10. Menimme espanilaisten kanssa samalla lennolla Müncheniin josta jatkoimme kolmisin Helsinkiin.
Koulumme ammatinvalintapäivänä teimme englanninkielisiä haastatteluja.
Koulun vuosikirjablogissa julkaistiin juttu Unkarin vaihtokokouksesta:
This photo was taken on a sunny autumn day, the 5th of October. Our group for this year.
Remembering the fun times of 2014-15!
CLIL and Clementines
In March 2015 I had an opportunity to take part in Erasmus+ Y.E.S Joint teacher training event in Spain, Almendralejo. I learned a lot about history, geography and habits and traditions in Spain during the wonderful spring week. But from the mathematics teacher's point of view the most interesting moments I spent in classrooms.
Math lesson
One week spent in Spanish school is too short a time that I could compare the education system but subjects in math lessons are almost the same all over the world so comparing the math lessons is quite easy. Our Finnish curriculum comes a bit late compared to Spanish one, I mean students learn for example polynomials one year earlier in Spain than in Finland. I attended CLIL math lesson of about 13 years old students, which I found very interesting. Students learned English words for polynomials and polynomial calculations and they had to write literal tasks with math symbols and speak out mathematical tasks with natural language. I found this very useful from both language's and math's point of view. Students were very inspired and also willing to perform their knowledge to us, which was very nice.Technology
In Spain they have a subject named technology in curriculum. We have those subjects in comprehensive school in chemistry, physics, handicrafts and IT lessons. The lesson itself was interesting. Students worked in small groups and they had volunteer assistants (ie. mothers) helping them to stay in subject and achieve given goals. The influence I got by browsing a book,technology have subjects from house building to electricity and traffic to programming. I would have liked to have this kind of subject at school when I was a kid.Clementines
Best in travelling is when you start to see things from a new point of view, also the ordinary and everyday things. When you see something usual in unusual environment, you start to think in a new way. It considers of teaching as well as other things. I got new ideas how to work with students in my lessons and saw how easily I could include English in the math lessons.Why clementines... well actually they were oranges. I have never seen an orange tree full of oranges in March, actually I think I have never seen an orange three full of fruits. In Spain orange trees were like our birches, you can see them everywere. I started to see the ordinary fruit dish item in a totally new way.
Thankful for the opportunity to learn,