The project addresses secondary education. We want to develop and update the students’ entrepreneurial skills and introduce them to the world of labour. It also addresses teachers in a way that they can revise and strengthen their teaching profession by comparing and sharing experiences and good practices related to aspects such as teaching CLIL, team teaching or teaching communicative skills.
The partnership is composed of four schools and the project is intended as the continuation of a previous partnership formed by the Finnish, Hungarian and Spanish schools, which was based on developing skills needed for life and for the integration in the labour market. In addition, the Slovenian school is relevant to the project since they can contribute with their good practice of
interconnections between formal and non-formal education and expertise in cross-curricular teaching.
We want to explore the various reasons for students’ underachievement and develop appropriate intervention strategies by promoting teaching methods of dealing with underachieving group education.
Also, by encouraging and developing our students’ sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, the students explore and find ways to seek for solutions in a creative and independent way, they also research the local and European labour market, use digital resources to increase their ICT skills and enhance their foreign language competence.
To achieve these goals teachers cooperate in elaborating material for a Business English Course, choose a focus group to cope with under-motivated students, develop a teaching portfolio including all materials used, hold workshops and observe each other’s lessons and methods. By the end of the project we will elaborate course material and also compile a handbook of good teaching practices.
Students participate in a regular Business Language Course, take part in practical workshops given by professionals, practice everyday situations such as job interviews and explore what a successful startup is like. They also become familiar with the European Language Portfolio for continuous self-assessment and explore the “Europass”. Finally, they set up a virtual business with the knowledge gained during the project.
We want to carry out the project using teamwork and peer teaching and learning techniques. Such methods enhance students’ motivation and involvement in the activities. Performing the project will require teaching and learning outside the regular classroom, including field trips to different institutions and companies. The tasks will be based on school curricula. Twin space, social media and wiki will be used to monitor tasks and present results. The project focuses on the skills needed by the students to become attractive applicants to the potential employer and prepares them to an active participation in the post-secondary education by fostering the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills.
The partnership will create a strong cooperation between the schools, local institutions, authorities and associations involved, so that the project lasts after it has finished. The materials created as well as the implementation of the foreseen teaching practices can be integrated into the conception of new projects.